[Reference] → [Error Message Handling]
·“Invalid CBAData was specified.”: Battle character animation has not been set in at least one location. Please check the weapon animations for “Actors”, “Classes”, “Items” and so on.
·“Failed to call OS function”: Occurs when there are many Windows applications open. Close unneccessary applications to avoid this error.
·"Access violation": Indicates an internal error which can't be described in more detail. Please make sure no dead references exist, i.e. you are not referencing a database item at some place and then deleted said item, or referenced an image file which doesn't exist anymore.
·"Exceeded the amount of event calls on the stack.": You appear to have an event which calls it self over and over again. Only 1000 levels of recursion are allowed.
·"Invalid X was specified": At some place, a database item (X) was specified and later this item was deleted. For example, you might have an event which makes an actor learn skill #10. If you afterwards reduced the number of skills in the database to 5, there is no skill #10 anymore, and the error will be triggered when the game tries to make the actor learn the non-existent spell. If the error happens immediately after starting the game, it's most likely a default equipment or skill which was assigned to an actor in the database and later deleted.
·"Player's position wasn't specified": Make sure you set the starting position for the player correctly. Right-click on a tile in the map editor (in event editing mode) and choose "Set Player Starting Position".
·"Cannot open file X": A certain file (X), most likely a graphic file, wasn't found. Make sure no non-existent graphic file is referenced.
·Troubleshooting information for this software will be published on the RPG Maker Web Forums ( http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/ ) on occasion. (Questions sent via e-mail cannot be answered. Please take note.)